Graduate Courses

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122245 

An advanced orientation to developmental research across the life span in biological, neurological, sensory/perceptual and cognitive domains with a focus on older adulthood and aging. Students explore theory research methodology, and empirical studies on the psychology of aging. Prer., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122246 

An advanced-level orientation to developmental research across the life span in personality, social, and health domains. Age-related pathologies will also be considered. Students explore theory, research methods, and empirical studies on the psychology of aging. Prer., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122250 

An introductory practicum course which emphasizes psychotherapy skills and concepts related to therapeutic interaction. Clinical Psychology Graduate Students only.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122252 

The use of the computer for statistical analyses will be reviewed. Topics include how to organize data collections, selection and use of appropriate statistical packages, and storing and retrieving files. Prer., PSY 5850 or equivalent. Graduate status in PSY or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122253

Advanced statistical techniques and research methodology for psychological research. Focuses on methods for use with experimental research design, including factorial, repeated measures and mixed design ANOVA models. Computer lab focuses on use of statistical packages for analysis of data. Prer., Introductory statistics; graduate status in psychology; or consent of instructor.

Components:  Laboratory, Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122254 

Advanced statistical techniques and research methodology for psychological research. Focuses on methods for use with nonexperimental research design, including correlation and multiple regression. Measurement issues are covered, including reliability and validity. Computer lab uses statistical packages for analysis of data. Prer., PSY 5810.

Components:  Laboratory, Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122255 

Multivariate statistical and design methodology focusing on test construction, classical and item response test theories, ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling including path analysis and latent variable modeling. Prer., PSY 5810 and PSY 5820 or equivalent, knowledge of statistical computing software, Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Lecture 

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122256 

Research design and statistical analysis for the study of change. Topics include developmental research design techniques, covariance structure analysis, multilevel modeling, and growth curve analysis. Computer programs will be used. Prer,. PSY 5810 and PSY 5820; Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122257

Advanced statistical techniques for research psychologists, including specialized in-depth treatment of analysis of variance. Prer., Introductory statistics, psychology graduate status, or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  207887

This course provides background information about reproducible research, including historical trends, threats to reproducible science, and the importance of replication.  The major focus of the course is on learning the practical skills and techniques necessary to create reproducible research output.  Prer,.  PSY 5810, PSY 5820 and psychology graduate status or consent of the instructor.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122258  

Multivariate procedures are described extensions of the general linear model. Procedures include: multiple regression, canonical correlation, MANOVA, factor analysis, discriminant function analysis, and other selected topics. Prer., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Laboratory, Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122259

Advanced survey of research design and methodology. Prer., PSY 5850 and psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122260 

Theory of psychological test construction. Emphasis on scaling models and the assessment of reliability and validity by univariate and multivariate methods. Prer., PSY 5850, psychology graduate status, or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122263 

Students will be placed in a clinical or research program for the application phase of their psychology training. Prer., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor. 

Components:  Practicum

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122264

Preq., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Component:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122265

Preq., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Component:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122266

Preq., PSY 6610, psychology graduate status, or consent of instructor.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122267 

Preq., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122268 

In-depth examination of theories and research in the area of Personality Psychology. It is designed to help students develop a solid theoretical foundation on the biological, psychological, social, cognitive, and developmental facets of personality and assist in furthering their understanding of human nature. A variety of personality theories and contemporary research conducted on these theories will be examined and discussed. Preq., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122269

Study of how research and practice in clinical, social, developmental, cognitive, and biological psychology can contribute to a better understanding of law and legal issues, and how the legal system can be informed by psychological research and practice. Prer., Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122269

A course in the orientation to the field of trauma psychology across the life span. Neurobiopsychosocial approach to trauma from a developmental perspective. Students explore human adaptation and psychopathological outcomes and empirical evidence on Trauma Psychology. Prer., Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  205708

A second course in the orientation to the field of trauma psychology across the life span. Neurobiopsychosocial approach to trauma from a developmental perspective. Students explore theory, research methodology, and empirical evidence on Trauma Psychology. Prer., Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122272

Current research on aging and psychology. Topics to be specified for particular semester. See instructor for details. May be repeated for credit. Prer,. PSY 5210 and PSY 5220 or consent of instructor.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122273 

In-depth examination of theory and research on aging on a focused topic within a core content area of psychology (e.g. cognitive, personality, social). May be repeated for credit. Req., Graduate status, PSY 5210, PSY 5220, consent of instructor.

Components:  Seminar

1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122274

Contemporary topics in psychology as broadly construed. Emphasis on current and ongoing research as presented in a speaker series. Prer., Graduate students only.

Components:  Seminar

1 Credits (Minimum) 5 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122275 

Subject matter will change depending upon individual instructor and time of offering. The topics for any given semester will be specified in the semester schedule. May be repeated for credit. Prer., Psychology graduate status, non-degree graduate status, or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

1.5 Credits (Minimum) 1.5 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122276 

An advanced-level overview of the development of psychological theories since the Greek philosophies. Prer., Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122277 

Prepares students to work in geriatric health settings. Content includes health psychology, interdisciplinary teamwork, long-term care, policy issues, and community resources. Prer., PSY 5210, PSY 5220, and PSY 5710; Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122278 

Course covers psychopathology among older adults, clinical assessment approaches with older adults, and psychotherapeutic interventions with older adults. Specific content includes examination of major models of case conceptualization and applications to older adults; the effects of age upon psychopathology; instruments designed for older adults in the assessment of mood, personality, and cognition; and specialized psychotherapeutic approaches with older adults, including emphasis on empirically based treatments. Prer,. PSY 5210, PSY 5220, PSY 5710, PSY 6610; Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits(Maximum) Course ID: 206896

Prepares students to work in trauma health settings. Content covers the culturally sensitive assessment of trauma exposure and PTSD and current research-supported interventions (psychosocial, pharmacological, and somatic) for trauma-related disorders. Prer., PSY 5710, and either PSY 6160 or PSY 6170; Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

1 Credit (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  207465

Advanced training in evidence-based treatments for trauma.  Topics to be specified each semester course is offered.  Credits are variable and depend on the topic and the instructor.  May be repeated for credit.  Prer., PSY 5710, PSY 6720, PSY 6730, PSY 6780, Psychology graduate status or consent of the instructor.

Components:  Seminar

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122279

Designed to help college professors become more effective teachers. Readings, discussions, and videotaped consultation. Prer., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor. 

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122281 

Training in standards of professional practice, including theoretical and practical aspects of ethics (e.g., record keeping, confidentiality, supervision). Students engage in 12 hours/week of direct clinical experience in the community, and attend seminar. Prer., Psychology graduate status; PSY 5710, PSY 6780, PSY 6920.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122282 

Training in professional practice standards related to cultural and family systems, competency, and related ethics. Includes strategies for delivering services to various populations. Students engage in 12 hours/week of clinical practice and attend seminar. Prer., PSY 5710, PSY 6720, PSY 6780, PSY 6920; Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122283 

Practicum in clinical psychology. Direct clinical experience for graduate candidates in psychology only. Students provide clinical services under supervision in community setting. May be repeated for credit. Prer., PSY 5710. Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Clinical

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122284 

An advanced presentation of a broad range of psychopathology relevant to children, adult, and aged populations. Explores the classification, description, etiology, and treatment of the major mental disorders consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders system. Considers issues in labeling, diversity, cultural relativism, and normative expectations in viewing psychopathological behavior. Prer., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122285 

An introduction to psychopharmacology that examines the physiological and behavioral factors associated with common psychotropic medications. Topics include basic information on common medications, ethical issues related to medical prescribing, and risk factors associated with medication. Designed for non-prescribing mental health professionals. Prer., PSY 6780 or consent of instructor. Psychology graduate status.

Components: Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122286

Current research on clinical geropsychology. Topics to be specified for particular semester. See instructor for details. May be repeated for credit. Prer., graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID: 205108

Advanced research design and statistical analysis topics. Topics to be specified for each semester offered. See instructor for details. Credits are variable and depend on the topic and the instructor. May be repeated for credit. Prer., graduate student status or consent of instructor.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122287

Theory and practice in clinical interviewing and assessment of personality and psychopathology. Practical skill instruction in mental status exams, interviewing strategies, administering and interpreting personality tests commonly used in clinical practice, integration of interview and testing data, and report writing. Extensive opportunities for in-class and out-of-class practice of interviewing and assessment skills are provided. Emphasis is placed on development of basic interviewing and communication skills, rapport building, evaluation strategies, consideration of diagnostic data, cultural and ethnic diversity, the Mental Status Examination, structured interviewing, objective personality assessment, and the ability to organize and present information in oral and written form. Prer., PSY 5710, Psychology graduate status.

Components: Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122288 

Covers intellectual assessment across the life span. Achievement testing and cognitive screening will also be covered.  Prer., Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122289 

Course will cover basic foundations of human neuropsychology and neuropsychological assessment of adults. Topics will include brain-behavior relationships, differential diagnosis, and report writing. Prer., PSY 6860; Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122290 

Training in practice of clinical neuropsychology through supervised experience administering, scoring, interpreting, and reporting test results. May be repeated. Prer., PSY 6860, PSY 6870 (may be concurrent). Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Clinical

1.5 Credits (Minimum) 1.5 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  208955

Prer., PSY 6630, PSY 6870, and Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Clinical

Prepares students to conduct personality, neuropsychological, and psychodiagnostic assessments of patients with PTSD and other trauma-related disorders, including traumatic brain injury.

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

Readings and discussion of the psychotherapeutic process from various theoretical perspectives. Prer., Psychology graduate status or consent of instructor.

1.5 Credits (Minimum) 1.5 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  207609

This course is designed to expose students to the current literature on clinical supervision in psychology, spanning theory, practice, assessment, research, multicultural and diversity issues, and professional ethics.  Prer., PSY 5710, PSY 6720, PSY 6920, Psychology graduate status.

Components:  Seminar

1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122292 

A research project under the supervision of the graduate faculty of the psychology department.  Prer., Psychology graduate status.

Component:  Dissertation

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122293 

Students participate in a research laboratory for instruction in research methods in psychology. Prer., Doctoral candidacy, PSY 5810, PSY 5820, PSY 5830, graduate status.

Components:  Practicum

1 Credits (Minimum) 5 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122294 

Intensive training in clinical assessment, diagnosis, consultation, and/or psychotherapeutic treatment skills that is provided during an internship placement, typically at an off-campus training site. Prer., PhD students only with consent of DCT. Must be accepted for an internship.

Components:  Internship

0.5 Credits (Minimum) 12 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122295 

Prer., Doctoral students only.

Components:  Dissertation

1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122299 

Prer., Consent of instructor. Graduate students. 

Components:  Independent Study

1 Credits (Minimum) 6 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122299 

Prer., Consent of instructor. Graduate students. 

Components:  Independent Study