

The Psychology Department has determined that an integral part of studying psychology is participating and conducting psychological research.

Psychology Research at UCCS

Research is defined as “a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.”

This includes:

  • activities intended to lead to published results.
  • research with human subjects covered by the UCCS Institutional Review Board (IRB) Policy and Procedures.
  • research projects for graduate theses and dissertation research, and undergraduate honors.

Sona Research Participation System

Participants will use the Sona System to participate in studies. UCCS students enrolled in PSY 1000 - General Psychology courses are required to participate in research as part of the final grade.  Psychology course extra credit can be earned for participating in studies through the Sona System. 

SPSS Access

The UCCS Virtual Lab is a cloud based computing platform that allows students, staff and faculty to remotely access SPSS.  Visit the Virtual Labs site and log in with your UCCS credentials.

Mixed Methods Promoting Wellness and Recovery (MPWR) Lab

Focus Area: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & Substance Use Disorders (SUD)


Focus Area: Developmental Health

Segal Aging & Mental Health Lab

Focus Area: Mental Health & Aging

Selmeczy Cognitive Development Lab

Focus Area: Cognition & Learning

The Weiskittle Lab

Focus Area: Geriatrics & Thanatology

Mission Statement

The Department encourages and supports innovative research and scholarship by faculty and students. Conducting research on basic and applied questions relevant to the biological, social, and psychological functioning and well-being of humans and nonhumans is critical to our mission. Such research should occur in an atmosphere of free inquiry, rigorous science, and adherence to ethical guidelines.

Research Affiliates

  • UCCS Aging Center

    The Aging Center is a community-based non-profit mental health services facility administered by the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS), and is the primary practicum training site for the APA accredited clinical psychology Ph.D. program. It is currently one of the few geropsychology training clinics in the nation linking the academic standards of excellence and innovative clinical training with the practical needs of the community. The Aging Center provides comprehensive psychological and neuropsychological assessment and treatment services to individuals 55+ as well as their families, trains graduate students in clinical geropsychology and supports the study of psychological aging processes. 

    UCCS Aging Center Fact Sheet - Supporting Caregivers  Cognitive Care Sept 2022

  • Gerontology Center

    Welcome to the Gerontology Center at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs! We want to help you learn about aging resources and activities on campus

  • Sleep and Biobehavioral Research Lab

    Michele L. Okun, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Research at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and Director of the Sleep and Biobehavioral Health Research Laboratory. As one of the leading researchers on sleep during the perinatal period, her work also investigates how menopause and aging, as well as neuro-immune and neuro-endocrine pathways, influence physical and mental health outcomes. Dr. Okun has served as a peer reviewer for over two dozen journals and has authored or co-authored over five dozen scientific articles and book chapters. 

  • Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience

    The mission of the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience is to advance human resilience to adversity by designing evidence-based solutions through interdisciplinary research, healing therapies, and community training and empowerment. This is accomplished through the work of our three divisions: Research, Healing, and Community Training & Empowerment. 

  • Veterans Health And Trauma Clinic

    A healing clinic for recovery from trauma specializing in military and first responders, but open to all.

  • UCCS Wellness Center Mental Health Services

    The mission of Mental Health Services is threefold: (1) to assist UCCS students with their academic success when personal/psychological matters are complicating and interfering with the students' efforts; (2) to serve as a training site for graduate students in Clinical Psychology and Counseling fields; and (3) in accordance with UCCS tradition, create, implement, and develop services that are open to various organizations in the community.

  • Pikes Peak Elder Justice Center

    Our Mission is a community response working toward preventing and eliminating elder abuse in the Pikes Peak region and beyond, through identifying victims of mistreatment, creating safe shelter for them.