Psychology Department

Embracing all aspects of the human experience

Psychology Department at UCCS

The Psychology Department is committed to excellence in teaching and research. Psychology is a science that studies behavior from psychological, biological, and social perspectives. Our discipline embraces all aspects of the human experience - from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations, from child development to care for the aged. In every conceivable setting from scientific research centers to mental healthcare services, "the understanding of behavior" is the enterprise of psychologists. 

Academic Programs

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

Undergraduate student presenting research at University of Colorado Colorado Springs.

Our undergraduate program offers bachelor, minor, dual major and dual degrees.

Master of Arts, Psychology

Graduate students in the classroom at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.

Our Master of Arts program offers two tracks:

  • Psychological Science
  • Clinical Psychology

M.A. students also have the option to gain experience with a sub-plan.

Ph.D., Clinical Psychology

Doctoral student graduating from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.

The Psychology Department's American Psychological Association accredited doctoral program offers two major areas of study: Geropsychology & Trauma Psychology.

Commitment To Diversity

Sidewalk chalk art on the University of Colorado Colorado Springs campus.

The UCCS Psychology Department's Diversity Education & Resources page is an evolving list of resources relevant to education, research, clinical work, and advocacy related to equity and diversity issues.

We aim to provide a wide range of resources to raise awareness, education, and empower people. Find relevant educational resources broadly categorized around questions. Resources for support are also listed, including specific resources for marginalized identities and groups (e.g., LGBTQIA+ individuals, immigrants, BIPOC, and so on).