Faculty & Staff Resources

Faculty & Staff Resources


Academic Support

This information will help you navigate through the Psychology Department and UCCS campus in your role as an Instructor of Record.

Faculty Guide

The guide, published by the Faculty Council Communications Committee, is a compilation of resources and policies that are relevant to faculty members at CU’s four campuses, regardless of their status (Tenure-Track, Tenured, or Non-Tenure-Track). 

Poster Printing

Please follow these guidelines if you wish to have a poster printed in the department.

  1. Posters are printed on a 36” roll of paper. That limits one side of a poster to no more than 36” (i.e., 36”x48”, 36”x52”, 36”x36”, etc.). If you wish for both sides to be smaller than 36”, you will need to cut the poster down to size after it has been printed.
  2. You are welcome to add color to enhance a poster (photographs, tables, figures, logos, etc.). However, you should not fill the background of a poster or textbox with color, especially a black or gradient background. This background color uses a lot of ink and sometimes causes the printer to run out of memory resulting in a poster with portions missing.
  3. Refrain from using “Smart Art” in your poster. This too causes a depletion of memory resulting in a failed print job or a poster with portions missing.
  4. Proofread posters before sending them to be printed. Once a poster is printed, it may not be printed again to make a change.
  5. Ensure you email your poster (PPT or PDF format) to me no later than the Wednesday before you need the poster. I am only in the office on Wednesdays to print posters.

If these guidelines are not followed, a poster may be sent back to be modified before printing. Otherwise, if you must print outside of these guidelines, you can pay to have your poster printed from an outside source. Please contact David DuBois if you have any questions or concerns.


Purchase Request Form

Please provide all the information required below and return to department purchaser, David DuBois (ddubois@uccs.edu) or Nancy Taylor (ntaylor@uccs.edu), in advance of purchase. Purchases made with contract, gift, or grant funds must have additional documentation explaining how the purchase complies with the donor or sponsor's budget and project goals. Incomplete forms will be returned to the requestor for more details.

Reserving Columbine Hall Conference Rooms

COLU conference rooms are not considered academic space to hold classes per campus policy

Psychology Department faculty and staff can request a Columbine Hall conference room for: 

  • Department-Lab-Student-Committee Meeting
  • Honors Defense (UG) or Graduate Proposal
  • Study/Tutoring Session
  • Clinical Comprehensive Examination (PSY)

Graduate Thesis Defense or Dissertation - Please contact David DuBois ddubois@uccs.edu.

Any other campus building rooms or classroom space can be requested at events@uccs.edu.

Departments outside of Psychology, please contact your department staff or Events to assist you in making Columbine Hall conference room reservations. 

SPSS Access

The UCCS Virtual Lab is a cloud based computing platform that allows students and faculty to remotely access SPSS.  Visit the Virtual Labs site and log in with your UCCS credentials.

Travel Information Sheet

Psychology Department Travel Information Sheet Pre-Approval Form. Please submit this form to Andrea Williams for departmental approval at least 2 weeks prior to travel.