Undergraduate Upper-Division Courses

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122171

Offered once a year

Exploration of contemporary issues in the science of psychology in conjunction with independent research project under the supervision of psychology faculty member. Open only to students formally accepted into the Department of Psychology honors program. Prer., PSY 2100, PSY 2110, junior status and consent of instructor required.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  208926

Offered occasionally

Course discusses how science works and its role in the modern world.  Each term the course will focus on three or four issues of importance (e.g., climate change, evolution, relativity, death) and examine how science enhances our ability to understand and engage these phenomena. Meets with ANTH 3030.

Components:  Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122172

Not offered in recent years

Students participate in supervised service or research activities. Prer., Consent of instructor. 

Components:  Field Studies

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122174

Offered occasionally

Introductory course on the application of psychological principles to the enhancement of physical health. Class utilizes an experiential format with students actually conducting their own health behavior change program. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122175

Offered about once a year

The role of statistical models in psychological research. Includes models of error and inference, selected analyses of variance and regression, and SPSS applications. Prer. or Coreq., PSY 2100 and PSY 2110.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122177

Offered about once a year 

Survey of animal and human theories of learning and an introduction to contemporary theories of human cognition including memory and information processing. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122178

Not offered in recent years

A survey of the core areas of human cognition: attention, reasoning, memory, problem solving, and decision making. History, theory, methodology, and research from related disciplines are discussed. Prer., PSY 2100 and PSY 2110.

Components:  Laboratory, Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122179

Offered occasionally

Psychological and physiological factors in the motivation of behavior. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) 

This course covers the psychology of emotion. Specific emotions covered may change from semester to semester, but often include disgust, anger, pride, shame, jealousy, romantic love, anxiety, fear, mood, happiness, sadness, emotions in animals, and emotions in psychological disorders. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components: Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122180

Not offered in recent years

Course designed to provide an overview of learning. An emphasis will be placed on the theoretical formulation of the conditions that are necessary for learning and retention. Practical applications of learning principles will be considered. Prer., PSY 2100 and PSY 2110.

Components:  Laboratory, Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122181

Offered occasionally

Covers in substantive form the interdisciplinary field of human sexuality. The topic is approached from the perspectives of physiology, endocrinology, behavior, sociology, ethnology, and anthropology. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122182

Offered occasionally

A review of various theories of personality including psychodynamic, behavioristic, humanistic, and existential approaches. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components: Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID: 209091

Offered occasionally

Survey of personality and individual differences.  Topics include evolution, culture, genetics, emotions, personality disorders, and more.  Emphasis on how scientist measure personality, major findings of personality science, and the relationship between personality and other branches of psychology.  Prer., PSY 1000.  

Components:  Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122184

Not offered in recent years

Behavior of animals from an evolutionary perspective. Principles of behavior in a variety of animal species, including humans. Prer., PSY 1000, or consent of instructor.

Components: Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122185

Offered every Fall and Spring semester

A broad survey course in the biological basis of behavior. Anatomy, physiology and chemistry of the nervous system (with special emphasis on the brain), endocrinology, and genetics are discussed as they apply to the study of behavior. Approved for LAS Natural Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Physical and Natural World. Prer., PSY 1000 or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122186

Offered every Fall and Spring semester

The origin, symptoms, classification, and treatment of abnormal behavior. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID: 209346

Offered occasionally  

Introduction to evolutionary psychology (EP). Topics include survival, mating, kinship, altruism, aggression, and social status. Key concepts include a) evolved psychological mechanisms, b) ultimate vs. proximate explanations, and c) the relationship between EP and the traditional branches of psychology. Prer., PSY 1000.

Component:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122187

Offered at least once a year

Survey of contemporary social psychological theory and research. Analysis of basic principles underlying human social behavior. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore - Society, Health and Behavior. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122188

Offered occasionally

A basic survey of myths and realities of multiculturalism and diversity using the theories and data from several subfields within psychology. Racial and ethnic diversity are emphasized, but diversity due to gender, age, sexual preference, and socioeconomic status will also be explored. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122189

Offered at least once a year

Subject matter will change depending upon individual instructors and time of offering. Consult Course Search on the UCCS website or the MyUCCS Portal for the topic for any given semester.  May be repeated for credit. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID: 122191 

Offered at least once a year

An overview of geropsychology covering such topics as the aging central nervous system, cognitive aging, cultural contexts of aging, personal transitions in later life, mental disorders, and geropsychology in the future. Prer., PSY 1000. Meets with GRNT 4630.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122192

Offered occasionally

This course examines gender as it applies to human psychology, with a special focus on the experience of women and girls. A primary goal is to understand how psychologists study the complex relationships between gender and psychosocial functioning. Prer., PSY 1000. Meets with WEST 3450.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  200484

Not offered in recent years through the Psychology Department

An introduction to the diversity in the aging experience for women throughout the major regions of the world. Current, historical, social, economic, legal, and health realities of older women are explored. Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement. Meets with GRNT 3560 and WEST 3560.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122193

Offered every Fall and Spring semester

Survey of human development from conception to death emphasizing physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial development. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID: 206358

Offered occasionally

Child sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation of children are viewed from psychological, social, and criminal justice perspectives. Approved for LAS Social Sciences area requirement.  Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements:  Navigate; Writing Intensive. Prer., PSY 1000, ENG 1410 and sophomore standing or higher.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122194

Not offered in recent years

This survey course studies children with learning and cognitive differences, behavioral and emotional disorders, and sensory and physical differences. Emphasis on etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various disorders from different theoretical perspectives. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID: 122195

Offered occasionally

Organization, function, and dysfunction of the human brain across the life span. Neuropsychological assessment techniques. Reviews behavioral, cognitive, and personality changes as a result of disease, injury, and aging. Prer., PSY 1000 or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122196

Offered every Fall and Spring semester

As a service-learning course, students will serve in the community and learn beginning helping skills. Assistance will be provided in locating volunteer positions.  Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Summit; Writing Intensive. Prer., Consent of instructor. 

Components: Internship

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122198 

Not offered in recent years

A review of the area of clinical psychology including such topics as clinical assessment, therapies, and community intervention. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122199

Not offered in recent years

Focus on issues in the organization, financing, and delivery of mental health services within the community, innovative techniques for the provision of mental health-related services, the role of community factors in the production of emotional disorders, and technologies of community change. Prer., PSY 1000 and PSY 3280. 

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122201 

Offered occasionally

The use of statistical package software to enter and organize data and the selection and use of appropriate statistical analyses of the data. Prer. or Coreq., PSY 2100 or equivalent.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122202

Offered occasionally

A psychological and statistical analysis of the principles underlying construction and use of tests of ability and personality. Prer., PSY 2100.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122203 

Offered occasionally

An introduction for the upper-division undergraduate into the theories and techniques of psychotherapy. The course examines foundations to the practice of psychotherapy, professional ethics, and various approaches to psychotherapy (e.g., psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, existential). Prer., PSY 1000 and PSY 3280.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122204 

Offered occasionally

An introduction to the scientific study of people in work organizations. Emphasis on understanding people in organizations and applying this knowledge to resolve problems of human behavior at work. Prer., PSY 1000. 

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122205 

Offered occasionally

An introductory survey course covering selected topics relating to the interaction of psychology and the law. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122206

Not offered in recent years

Examines the application of psychological research and theory to "real world" issues: organizational behavior, health and health care, environmental, legal, educational issues, and public policy. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum)  

Continuation of Honors Seminar I (PSY 3000). Students complete independent research projects and meet together with honors program coordinator. Prer., PSY 2100, PSY 2110, PSY 3000, PSY 3100, and consent of instructor. Open only to students formally accepted into the Department of Psychology honors program.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122214 

Not offered in recent years

The morphological, neurochemical, and physiological bases of behavior. Topics include the physical substrate for emotion, motivation, consciousness, sleep, learning, and memory. Prer., PSY 3270 or consent of instructor. If course is taken for 4 hours credit, one 2-hour lab per week is required.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122215 

Offered occasionally

In-depth focus on selected topics in health psychology. Topics will vary. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Prer., PSY 2110 and PSY 3060 or PSY 3280.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122218 

Not offered in recent years

In-depth focus on selected topics in methodology, statistics, and measurement. Topics will vary. Prer., PSY 2100 and PSY 2110.

Components: Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122219 

Not offered in recent years

Psychological research and theories about memory. Its focus will be on the memory abilities of normal-functioning adults. Memory functions and structures will be inferred from research studies, several of which will be demonstrated in class. Some implications for improving memory will be discussed. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course:  122220 

Offered occasionally

In-depth focus on selected topics in learning and cognition. Topics will vary. Prer., PSY 2110 and PSY 3130 or PSY 4120.  Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122222 

Offered occasionally

Introduction to psychophysical scaling, the physical senses (with special emphasis on audition and vision), and perceptual phenomena. One 2-hour lab per week required if course taken for 4 hours credit. Prer., PSY 2100 and PSY 2110 or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122222 

Not offered in recent years

Principles of classical and operant conditioning in humans and other animals. Presentation of the theoretical basis of behavior modification. One 2-hour lab required if course taken for 4 hours credit. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)

Laboratory for advanced psychology majors. Emphasis will be on individual projects. Prer., Consent of instructor.

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122227

Not offered in recent years

Introduction to general communication theory with special emphasis on human communication and relation of language to thought. Prer., 16 hours of PSY or consent of instructor.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122228 

Offered occasionally

In-depth focus on selected topics in personality. Topics will vary. Prer., PSY 2110 and PSY 3240.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122230

Offered occasionally

In-depth focus on selected topics in biopsychology. Topics will vary. Prer., PSY 2110 and PSY 3270.  Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement:  Summit.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122231 

Offered at least once a year

In-depth focus on selected topics in abnormal psychology. Topics will vary. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Prer., PSY 2110 and PSY 3280.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122233 

Offered at least once a year

In-depth focus on selected topics in social psychology. Topics will vary. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Prer., PSY 2110 and PSY 3400.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122235 

Offered occasionally

In-depth focus on social issues. Topics will vary. Prer., PSY 2110, PSY 3940.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID: 122236

Offered occasionally

A behavioral analysis of the effects of psychoactive compounds including stimulants, depressants and antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, opiates, and psychedelics. Presentation of neurobiological models of affective disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, endogenous depression, mania, and anxiety). Prer., 10 hours of PSY or consent instructor. PSY 3270 or introductory biology and/or chemistry recommended.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID: 208922 

Offered occasionally

This course provides an overview of the biological foundations of social processes in both human animals and non-human animals including but not limited to neuron networks, neurodevelopment, genetics, hormones, and evolution. The impact of culture on biology will be considered. Prer., PSY 3270.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122237 

Offered occasionally

Outline of the development of psychological theories since the Greek philosophies. The story of experimental psychology and its problems. Schools of psychological thinking. Readings of original sources in English and English translations. Prer., PSY 2100, PSY 2110, and Junior status.  Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement:  Summit.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122238 

Offered at least once a year

In-depth focus on selected topics in developmental psychology. Topics will vary. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Prer., PSY 2110 and PSY 3620.

Components:  Seminar

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  205619

Offered occasionally

This course serves as an introduction to the evolution of the structures and the functions of the human brain.  Prer., PSY 2110 or consent of instructor.  Meets with ANTH 4650.

Components:  Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  122240 

Not offered in recent years

Supervised teaching assistantship. Prer., Consent of instructor.

Component:  Practicum

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum)  Course ID:  200481

Offered every semester

Undergraduate. Prer., 20 hours of psychology or equivalent and consent of instructor.

Components:  Independent Study

1 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122226 

Offered at least every Fall and Spring semester

Provides an opportunity to conduct research with Psychology faculty and graduate students by one or more students on topics determined by a faculty member. Prer., Consent of instructor required.

Components:  Practicum