Academic Program Professional Licensure Disclosure
Professional Licensure Disclosure Information
Effective July 1, 2020, new USDOE regulations, 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v) and 34 CFR 668.43 (c) require disclosures by institutions regarding educational requirements for programs leading to professional licensure or certification, regardless of modality. 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v) requires an institution to disclose whether programs leading to professional licensure or certification meet each state's educational requirements.
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) makes every effort to ensure state licensure or certification information is current; however, state requirements may change. If you are planning to pursue professional licensure or certification, it is strongly recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing entity in that state to seek information and guidance regarding licensure or certification requirements before beginning an academic program.
For more information on professional licensure preparation in clinical psychology, please contact Dr. Leilani Feliciano at lfelicia@uccs.edu.
The doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs is accredited by APA (American Psychological Association). APA accreditation is recognized in all 50 states as providing required education for psychology license eligibility. State Boards of Psychology determine training requirements for licensure and typically include post-doctoral training as well as examinations beyond the educational requirements so a doctoral degree from UCCS in Clinical Psychology is not sufficient to meet licensure requirements in every state. Students should confirm state licensing requirements directly with the state they are interested in licensure. ASPPB (Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards) provides a compendium called PsyBook https://www.asppb.net/page/psybook which summarizes requirements for each state that may be a helpful resource for students determining vocational location and licensing requirements.
Generally, the way licensure works in clinical psychology, is (1) complete an approved education program. APA accredited programs are recognized in all states although some states impose additional education and training requirements; (2) complete an APPIC (Association of Psychology and Postdoctoral Internship Centers) accredited full-time one year internship—internship is a requirement for the degree if you are in an APA accredited program such as UCCS and APPIC coordinates a nationwide internship match for students each year; (3) complete a 1 year post-doctoral fellowship with supervised clinical experience under the appropriate license or registration for the state you are located in (some states do not require a post-doc); (4) take the national (EPPP—Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology) and state examinations required; (5) complete any additional requirements for the state you are seeking licensure in (typically background checks and credential verifications, however some states have some specific training requirements as well).
The doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at UCCS produces graduates who are successfully licensed in many states. To our knowledge, no UCCS graduate has been turned down for licensure due to insufficiencies in the education and training UCCS provides, but as noted above some states do have additional training and education requirements and most states have post-doctoral clinical supervision requirements as well.
Our understanding of how UCCS educational requirements meets state licensure for each state is below. This list is based largely on the annual review by ASPPB to give you a general idea of how well training at UCCS fits with the educational requirements of each state. You should directly check the web sites of the State Licensing Board for which you are interested for the most accurate and up to date information on educational and other requirements for licensure as there is no guarantee that our summary or ASPPB’s is entirely accurate and up to date.
State Licensing Boards
Board of Examiners in Psychology http://psychology.alabama.gov/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Alabama educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
The Board of Psychologists and Psychological Associate Examiners https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardofPsychologists.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Alaska educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Board of Psychologist Examiners Forms for Psychologist Applications | Board of Psychologist Examiners (az.gov)
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Arizona educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Psychology Board APPLICANTS | AR Psychology Board (arkansas.gov)
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Arkansas educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Board of Psychology https://www.psychology.ca.gov/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- does not meet California educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. California does accept accredited programs like UCCS’ program to meet educational degree requirements; however, California also requires additional specific coursework or continuing education training prior to licensure. Specifically, CA licensure requires 10 hours of training in human sexuality, 7 hours of training in child abuse assessment, 15 hours in spousal/partner abuse, detection and intervention strategies, 10 hours in aging and long-term care, and 1 semester or 1 quarter term course in alcoholism/chemical dependency detection and treatment.
Students wishing to become licensed in California are advised to work with the UCCS program to tailor their electives where possible to meet these additional training requirements. While UCCS’ clinical psychology program does not require this content per se, there are many electives at UCCS through the Counseling Psychology Program and community training events in Colorado Springs through the Pikes Peak Psychological Society or the Colorado Psychological Association that are available for students to assist them in preparing for licensure in California.
Department of Regulatory Agencies Division of Professions and Occupations https://dpo.colorado.gov/Psychology
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Colorado educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist in Colorado. Colorado also requires the successful completion of the Jurisprudence Exam, an online exam administered by the Board.
State Department of Public Health. https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Practitioner-Licensing--Investigations/Psychology/Psychologist-Licensure
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Connecticut educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. CT also requires a jurisprudence exam administered by the Board.
Division of Professional Regulation Board of Examiners of Psychologists https://dpr.delaware.gov/boards/psychology/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Delaware educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
DC Health Board of Psychology https://dchealth.dc.gov/node/160282
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets District of Columbia educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. DC also requires a jurisprudence exam administered by the Board.
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Florida educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. FL also requires passage of a state exam of psychology laws and rules.
Board of Psychology. The Georgia State Board of Examiners of Psychologists | Georgia Secretary of State (ga.gov)
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Georgia educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. GA also requires a jurisprudence exam administered by the Board and an oral exam.
Department of Commerce and Human Affairs Professional & Vocational Licensing Division Board of Psychology http://cca.hawaii.gov/pvl/boards/psychology/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Hawaii educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. HI also requires a jurisprudence exam administered by the Board.
Board of Psychologist Examiners https://ibol.idaho.gov/IBOL/BoardPage.aspx?Bureau=PSY
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Idaho educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Clinical Psychologists Licensing and Disciplinary Board Professional Licensing in Illinois
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Illinois educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
State Psychology Board PLA: Home (in.gov)
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Indiana educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. IN also requires a jurisprudence exam administered by the Board.
Board of Psychology https://idph.iowa.gov/Licensure/Iowa-Board-of-Psychology
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Iowa educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board https://ksbsrb.ks.gov/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Kansas educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. KS also requires the passage of a state exam.
Public Protection Cabinet Office of Occupations and Professions Board of Psychology KENTUCKY BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PSYCHOLOGY
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Kentucky educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. KY also requires that you pass two state exams: mental health law (written), ethical principles and professional practice (oral).
State Board of Examiners of Psychologists http://www.lsbep.org/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Louisiana educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Board of Examiners of Psychologists https://www.maine.gov/pfr/professionallicensing/professions/psychologists/index.html
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Maine educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. ME also requires a jurisprudence exam for licensure.
Department of Health Board of Examiners of Psychologists https://health.maryland.gov/psych/Pages/home.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Maryland educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. MD also requires jurisprudence exam for licensure.
Board of Registration of Psychologists https://www.mass.gov/orgs/board-of-registration-of-psychologists
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Massachusetts educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Board of Psychology https://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-89334_72600_72603_27529_27552---,00.html
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- does not meet Michigan educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. Michigan does accept accredited programs like UCCS’ program to meet the educational degree requirements; but Michigan also requires additional specific coursework or continuing education training prior to licensure. Specifically, Michigan requires additional training in identifying victims of human trafficking before being approved for licensure.
See Michigan admin code R.338-2525 for several possibilities that meet this requirement ranging from reading an article to taking a continuing education workshop https://casetext.com/regulation/michigan-administrative-code/department-licensing-and-regulatory-affairs/bureau-of-professional-licensing/board-of-psychology/board-of-psychology-general-rules/part-1-general-provisions/section-r-3382525-training-standards-for-identifying-victims-of-human-trafficking-requirements.
Board of Psychology https://mn.gov/boards/psychology/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--accredited by APA -- meets Minnesota educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. MN also requires a Professional responsibility exam.
Board of Psychology https://www.psychologyboard.ms.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Mississippi educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. MI also requires a jurisprudence exam.
Division of Professional Registration Committee of Psychologists https://pr.mo.gov/psychologists.asp
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology--- accredited by APA -- meets Missouri educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Department of Labor & Industry Board of Psychology http://boards.bsd.dli.mt.gov/psy
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-accredited accredited by APA -- meets Montana educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. MT requires an oral exam administered by the Board that will focus on professional ethics, candidate’s knowledge and judgement.
Department of Health & Human Services Psychology http://dhhs.ne.gov/licensure/Pages/Psychology.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets Nebraska educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. NE also requires a state jurisprudence exam.
Board of Psychological Examiners http://psyexam.nv.gov/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets Nevada educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. NV also requires a state exam.
Board of Psychologists Welcome | NH Office of Professional Licensure and Certification
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets New Hampshire educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. NH also requires a state exam.
New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs State Board of Psychological Affairs https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/psy/Pages/default.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets New Jersey educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. NJ also requires a state jurisprudence exam.
Psychologist Examiners NM RLD | Official Website of the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets New Mexico educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. NM also requires a jurisprudence exam and completion of educational modules created by board to demonstrate awareness and knowledge of NM cultures.
Office of the Professions: Psychology Office of the Professions | Office of the Professions (nysed.gov)
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- does not meet New York educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. New York's required coursework includes at least three graduate semester hours or five graduate quarter hours in each of the following seven substantive content areas: biological basis of behavior; cognitive-affective basis of behavior; social basis of behavior; individual differences; psychometrics; history and systems of psychology; and research design, methodology, and statistics. UCCS’ program is aligned with the most up-to-date standards of APA accreditation which does not specify 3 semester hours of coverage in history and systems (1.5 semester hours at UCCS). UCCS does require three semester hours in the remaining 6 areas. New York does not specify that they accept APA accreditation without additional course review. Therefore, students intending to apply for licensure in New York are advised to work closely with UCCS’ Director of Clinical Training to choose electives available at UCCS that will meet New York's requirements
Psychology Board http://www.ncpsychologyboard.org/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets North Carolina educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. NC does also require a state exam.
State Board of Psychology Examiners http://www.ndsbpe.org/index.html
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology -- accredited by APA -- does not meet North Dakota educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. North Dakota accepts accredited programs like UCCS’ program to meet educational degree requirements; but North Dakota specifies that telepsychology may not replace face to face supervision requirements. During the COVID pandemic, UCCS utilized telehealth to replace many previously in person client and supervision sessions. It is advised that students interested in North Dakota check directly with the North Dakota licensing authority regarding COVID exceptions for telepsychology. UCCS returned to primarily face to face services and supervision once it was safe to do so and expects to meet North Dakota requirements even if North Dakota did not make COVID adjustments to its expectations. North Dakota does also require a juris prudence exam.
Board of Psychology https://psychology.ohio.gov/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets Ohio educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. OH also requires a state oral examination.
State Board of Examiners of Psychologists https://www.ok.gov/psychology/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets Oklahoma educational requirements to apply for licensure as a Practice Under Supervision Psychologist (Institutional or Private Practice). Ok also requires a jurisprudence exam.
Board of Psychology. https://www.oregon.gov/psychology/pages/index.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA -- meets Oregon educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. OR also requires a jurisprudence exam.
UCCS has not determined whether completion of the doctoral program in clinical psychology -- accredited by APA --meets educational requirements to apply for registration or licensure as psychologist in Pacific Territories.
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Pennsylvania educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. PA also requires a state Psychology Law Examination.
UCCS has not determined whether completion of the doctoral program in clinical psychology -- accredited by APA --meets educational requirements to apply for registration or licensure as psychologist in Puerto Rico.
Department of Health: Psychology https://health.ri.gov/licenses/detail.php?id=241
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology- accredited by APA and PCSAS-- meets Rhode Island educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Labor Licensing Regulation Board of Examiners in Psychology https://llr.sc.gov/psych/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets South Carolina educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. SC also requires an oral examination given by Board.
Board of Examiners of Psychologists https://dss.sd.gov/licensingboards/psych/psych.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets South Dakota educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. SD also requires an oral examination given by Board.
Department of Health: Board of Examiners of Psychology https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/health-professional-boards/psychology-board.html
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Tennessee educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. TN also requires a jurisprudence exam.
Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists – Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited accredited by APA -- meets Texas educational requirements to apply for licensure as a provisional psychologist. Provisional Psychologist is a pre-requisite to full psychologist in Texas.
Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing: Psychology https://dopl.utah.gov/psych/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Utah educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. UT also requires a state Psychologist Law and Ethics Exam.
Board of Psychology Examiners http://usvipsychologyboard.com/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets U.S. Virgin Islands educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Board of Psychological Examiners Vermont Secretary of State - Office of Professional Regulation Psychological Examiners Section
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Vermont educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. VT also requires a state jurisprudence exam.
Department of Health Professions Board of Psychology https://www.dhp.virginia.gov/Psychology/
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Virginia educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.
Examining Board of Psychology https://www.doh.wa.gov/LicensesPermitsandCertificates/ProfessionsNewReneworUpdate/Psychologist/BoardInformation
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Washington educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. WA also requires a state jurisprudence exam.
Board of Examiners of Psychologists https://psychbd.wv.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets West Virginia educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. WV also requires an oral examination.
Department of Safety and Professional Services: Psychologist https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/Professions/Psychologist/Default.aspx
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Wisconsin educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist. WI also requires a state jurisprudence exam.
Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board https://mentalhealth.wyo.gov/home
Completion of UCCS’ doctoral program in clinical psychology-- accredited by APA -- meets Wyoming educational requirements to apply for licensure as a psychologist.