Headshot of Thomas Pyszczynski.

Thomas Pyszczynski, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor Psychology
COLU 4025
COLU 4025

Diversity Initiatives

Dr. Pyszczynski has jointly researched with his lab members a variety of EDI issues pertaining to police brutality and attitudes to those experiencing homelessness. In the former study topic, graduate student Moussa Diarra and post-doctoral research associate Dr. Joey Wagoner, investigated how Black Americans are affected by reading about police violence against Black people. This research revealed that threat of collective annihilation increased when reading about police violence. Furthermore, threat of collective annihilation mediated the tendencies to identify more with Black American culture and an increased belief that America is a country for White Americans. The latter study topic investigated by graduate student Jon Sundby and post-doctoral research associate Dr. Joey Wagoner, researched factors that may affect attitudes towards homeless individuals and subsequent projects funded to help these individuals. Their results found that people are more sympathetic to homeless veterans than non-veteran homeless people. These findings also revealed that reading about a homeless veteran led to more positive attitudes toward projects to alleviate homelessness. These studies are on-going, and manuscripts are in process.