COLU 4049
Diversity Initiatives
Dr. Andrew Lac’s research has examined gender and racial disparities in substance use and addictive behaviors. Through his role as an instructor for graduate research methods/statistics courses, he supervises and mentors students every year through final research projects that examine gender, racial, aging, and other EDI topics. Such projects have ranged from the examination of attributions of stigma in male versus female military service members to the role of judgment of skills of someone based on their skin tone to aging stereotypes embedded in birthday cards. He is interested in mentoring future students in his lab who have an interest in substance use or addictive behaviors in LGBTQI+ samples and other sexual minorities.
- Christodoulou, J., & Lac, A. (in press). Examining the communication of gender roles to parents: A quantitative content analysis of online birth congratulations cards. Psychology & Sexuality
- Correll, D., Engle, K., Lin, S., Lac, A., Samuelson, K. W. (in press). The effects of military status and gender on public stigma toward post-traumatic stress disorder. Stigma & Health.
- Bernard, L. C., Cieciuch, J., Lac, A., Zuro, B., Krupic, D., Richter, M., Silvestrini, N., & von Helversen, B. (in press). A cross-cultural study of traits of action: Measurement invariance of scales based on the action-trait theory of human motivation using exploratory structural equation modeling. Studia Psychologica.