Edie L. Greene, Ph.D.

Headshot of Edie Greene.

Edie L. Greene, Ph.D.

Professor Emerita

Diversity Initiatives

Over the years Dr. Edie Greene’s work has examined EDI issues at the intersection of psychology and law. She has conducted research on issues related to race and age in the criminal justice system, and presented findings on effects of defendant race and prior record on mock jurors’ judgments at the American Psychology-Law Society annual conference in 2019. Dr. Greene also recently assembled an empirical report on predictive policing and race-related biases in police policies for the Pikes Peak Peace and Justice Coalition. She has incorporated EDI values into her teaching practice, educating students on racial issues in psychology and law courses. Finally, throughout her career Dr. Greene has consulted with attorneys on race-based errors in eyewitness memory.