Headshot of Jennifer Poe.

Jennifer Poe, M.A.

Co-Director (The UCCS Center for Student Research) Psychology
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Diversity Initiatives

Jennifer Poe currently has an NSF-supported project titled “Understanding and Removing Faculty Barriers for the Adoption and Implementation of a Proven Intervention for Improving Biology Student Success.” This project is focused on identifying reasons why Biology Faculty may or may not adopt a specific evidenced-based classroom intervention that reduces achievement gaps between traditional students and Underrepresented Minority and First-Generation students. Additionally, an aim of the project is to develop and tailor messaging and resources to help dismantle these identified barriers and increase adoption of the assignment in Introductory Biology classrooms across the United States. In identifying and addressing sources of resistance, the project aims to ‘adapt’ educational environments to better serve the needs and talents of underrepresented and first-generation students, rather than ‘fix’ the student. One early product from this research was the development and testing of a measure of diversity fatigue; a passive form of resistance to diversity work as “just another thing” that institutions promote, which academic stakeholders have become emotionally desensitized to. Additionally, in collaboration with STEM faculty at UCCS, Ms. Poe is applying for an NSF ADVANCE Adaptation grant to explore and address concerns among women-identified STEM faculty at our institution and seek ways to improve research capacity by using evidence-based change strategies. To learn more about Jennifer Poe’s work, visit: https://adapt.sdsu.edu/


  • Smith, J. L., McPartlan, P., Poe, J. M., Herrera, F. A., & Thoman, D. (2021). Diversity fatigue: A survey for measuring attitudes towards diversity efforts in academia. (Unpublished manuscript accepted to Journal of Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology)