Jennifer Roberts, Ph.D.

Headshot of Jennifer Roberts.

Jennifer Roberts, Ph.D.


Diversity Initiatives

Jennifer Roberts taught PSY 3510/GRNT 4630 Psychology of Aging. Ashton Applewhite, an advocate for older adults, often states that ageism is the last acceptable “-ism.” Though we commonly hear about racism, sexism, ableism, and other "-isms," we rarely hear about ageism. Because this course focuses on aging, Jen felt it was appropriate to include a unit on agism. Throughout the semester, Jen and her students talk about ageism during dedicated ageism discussion weeks. Students are required to read a book written by Ashton Applewhite. They find examples of ageism in the media and together, they discuss their reactions to the book and media examples. Jen also encourages her students to increase their awareness of ageism, challenge their own ageist beliefs, and begin to advocate for older adults in whatever way they are comfortable. In addition to the ageism discussions, the students spend a good portion of the semester interviewing an older adult. They are required to ask their informant about topics from the class and the interviews are compiled into a final paper. Though the interview topics are selected by the students, most ask their informants about their experience with ageism. They learn about ageism directly from an actual person, rather than through videos and discussion, which enhances their understanding. In Jen’s course feedback, students list the ageism discussions and the paper as the most meaningful course activities.