Honors Program
The Psychology Honors Program offers a unique opportunity for outstanding majors to gain an intense research experience in the sub-area of psychology of their choosing.With High Distinction in Psychology
Our intent is to model the honors program very closely after the kinds of experiences usually reserved for graduate study. Students who have completed the program typically report that it was an invaluable preparation for their later graduate study; indeed many report that it was the highlight of their education at UCCS. Through the recommendation of the faculty of the Psychology Department, the successful honor student's degree diploma will bear the citation "With High Distinction in Psychology."
Program Information & Application Process

The Honors Program in the Psychology Department is a two-semester program.
In semester 1 (Fall semester), students take PSY 3100: Statistical Models in Psychology and PSY 3000: Honors Seminar I.
In semester 2 (Spring semester), students take PSY 4000: Honors Seminar II. Students also defend their thesis in an oral presentation at the end of this semester.
Students must enroll in and successfully pass PSY 3100, 3000, and 4000 to complete the Honors program.