Psychology Department FAQs
Commonly Asked Questions
Explore this section for answers about studying Psychology and the academic programs we offer.
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. The discipline embraces all aspects of the human experience - from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations, from child development to care for the aged. In every conceivable setting from scientific research centers to mental healthcare services, "the understanding of behavior" is the enterprise of psychologists.
- Conduct Research
- Study and Contribute to the Work Environment
- Promote Physical & Mental Health
- Help People Learn
- Work in the Community
Persons holding a Bachelor's degree in Psychology - if you are hoping to get a psychology-related job, the odds aren't in your favor without a graduate degree.
However, employers want and need your communication and interpersonal skills; your ability to collect, organize, analyze and interpret data; and, perhaps most important, your strong understanding of human behavior. As a result, many Psychology majors find jobs managing human resource departments or working as recruiter.
All Psychology majors are required to enroll in the PSY 1100-Professions of Psychology course that explores the profession of psychology, including careers, training needed to be successful, and professional ethics and responsibilities.
An internship is a substantive learning experience where you are supervised by a mentor at the organization and you contribute meaningfully to the work of the organization. Internships provide you with opportunities to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields--usually related to your career interests. As an undergraduate student, some internships pay; some ask that interns receive academic credit; some do both or neither.
PSY 3660 - Service Learning Internship is a service-learning course where undergraduates students serve in the community and learn beginning helping skills. Assistance is provided in locating volunteer positions.
The UCCS Psychology Department does not offer Undergraduate Certificates at this time.
The UCCS Psychology Department does not offer Graduate Certificates at this time.
The Skillful Psychology Student
There are many professions of Psychology:
PSYCHOLOGISTS - Employed by colleges and universities can divide their time between teaching and research and also may have administrative responsibilities; some have part-time consulting practices.
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGISTS - Concerned with the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. Often times, they provide an opportunity to talk and think about things that are confusing or worrying, offering different ways of interpreting and understanding problems and situations.
COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGISTS - Advise people on how to deal with problems in the home, place of work, or community, to help improve their quality of life. They foster well-being by promoting good mental health, and preventing mental, physical, and social disorders.
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGISTS - Study the physiological, cognitive, and social development that takes place throughout life. Some specialize in behavior during infancy, childhood, and adolescence, or changes that occur during maturity or old age.
EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS - Concentrate on how effective teaching and learning take place.
ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGISTS - Conduct research on how people work best with machines.
EXPERIMENTAL/RESEARCH PSYCHOLOGISTS - Work in various organizations studying behavior of both human beings and animals. Prominent areas of study in experimental research include motivation, thought, attention, learning and memory, sensory and perceptual processes, effects of substance abuse, and genetic and neurological factors affecting behavior.
FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGISTS - Use psychological principles in the legal and criminal justice system to help judges, attorneys, and other legal professionals understand the psychological findings of a particular case.
GEROPSYCHOLOGISTS - Work with the special problems faced by the elderly. Work may include helping older persons cope with stresses that are common in late life, such as loss of a loved one, relocation, medical conditions, and increased care-giving demands.
HEALTH PSYCHOLOGISTS - Are interested in how biological, psychological, and social factors affect health and illness. They promote healthy living and disease prevention through counseling, and they focus on how patients adjust to illnesses and treatments and view their quality of life.
INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS - Apply psychological principles and research methods to the work place in the interest of improving productivity and the quality of work life.
NEUROPSYCHOLOGISTS - Explore the relationships between brain systems and behavior.
QUANTITATIVE/MEASUREMENT PSYCHOLOGISTS - Focus on methods and techniques for acquiring and analyzing psychological data.
REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGISTS - Work with stroke and accident victims, people with mental and developmental disabilities.
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGISTS - Study how a person's mental life and behavior is shaped by interactions with other people. Many social psychologists specialize in a niche area, such as group behavior, leadership, attitudes, and perception.
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS - Work directly with students in early childhood and elementary and secondary schools. They collaborate with teachers, parents, and school personnel to create a safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments for all students.
SPORTS PSYCHOLOGISTS - Help athletes refine their focus on competition goals, become more motivated, and learn to deal with the anxiety and fear of failure that often accompany competition.
Reviewing graduate degree admissions requirements is a good indicator of what the admission committees will be reviewing for.
Applying to Graduate School - American Psychological Association
Graduate programs differ in the students admitted, faculty composition and available financial resources. Programs may focus on training clinicians or preparing students for academia or applied research. Programs that are great for some are poor fits for others. Focus on finding the right fit for you. That may assist in the preparation of pursuing a graduate degree.
M.A. - The application deadline for Fall admission each year is December 15th.
Ph.D. - The application deadline for Fall admission each year is November 15th.
There are many pathways to becoming a psychologist. The most important question is what you would like to do when you are done with your education. If you want to exclusively be a practicing psychologist where you see clients, you might consider a Psy.D. (or Doctorate in Psychology) degree. These programs are designed to train clinicians and have less of a focus on research. If you see yourself working in an academic setting teaching, conducting research, and possibly having a clinical practice that is small, you should focus on a Ph.D. degree. You can be a practicing psychologist with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, a Psy.D., and in some cases an Ed.D. in Counseling (Doctorate in Education).
You should check with the licensing requirements in the particular state in which you want to live because different states have different requirements. It is always advisable to discuss career options with faculty or individuals in the community doing what you would like to do to find out more about the educational and practical requirements of the job.
The Psychology major requires a minimum of 36 credit hours of PSY course work and a minimum of 18 credit hours of upper-division (3000+ level) PSY course work. A grade of at least C- in the four required foundation courses, the four core content courses, and the one Advanced Seminar.
Bachelor of Arts - Psychology Major Degree Requirements:
• A minimum of 120 hours must be completed with a cumulative CU grade point average of 2.0; at least 45 of these hours must be at the upper-division level (courses numbered 3000-4999).
• No more than 54 hours of PSY course work can count towards the degree.
• The last 30 hours of the degree must be completed while registered in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at UCCS.
• Courses numbered below 1000 do not count towards degree completion.
Degree Options
- Psychology, BA
The major and elective requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology are designed to achieve a broad understanding of the contents, concepts, and research methods of contemporary psychology in the context of a quality Liberal Arts education. - Psychology Minor
Dual Major Programs
- Psychology & Criminal Justice, BA
The dual Bachelor of Arts degree program in Psychology and Criminal Justice is designed to make it easier for students to complete these two majors simultaneously (in the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences and School of Public Affairs, respectively). - Psychology & Philosophy, BA
As a practice, philosophy teaches analytical and critical thinking, develops oral and written communication skills, and contributes to interdisciplinary understanding. - Psychology & Sociology, BA
The Departments of Sociology and Psychology offer a streamlined double major for students interested in how societies and individuals interact and impact one another. - Psychology & Women’s and Ethnic Studies, BA
WEST courses teach critical analysis of societal systems, and their programs offers opportunities to engage in social justice research and service projects.
Undergraduate students can earn double-majors or earn minors in other subjects. Please discuss with your UCCS Academic Advisor the undergraduate degree programs you wish to pursue.
UCCS Academic Advising
All UCCS students receive academic advising regarding degree program, and graduation requirements. The Academic Advising Office supports incoming and current students with developing an academic plan, course selection, transferring credits, auditing seniors' coursework, and so much more.
Psychology Faculty Advisors
Psychology Department faculty advisors are originally assigned according to the last name of the Undergraduate student. The list of Psychology Department faculty advisors change every semester according to teaching load and sabbaticals. However, once a student has been assigned a Psychology Department advisor, that faculty member will advise the student throughout the student's academic career. If a student's faculty advisor is on sabbatical, the student may choose any of the below faculty members to serve as their advisor during their regular faculty advisor's absence.
Within the UCCS Psychology Department, many undergraduate and graduate courses will have Teaching Assistants that assist the professor with the teaching of classes. Teaching Assistants are a great help to students. They hold office hours to meet with students to discuss homework, papers, quizzes and exam preparation. A course syllabus will have the Teaching Assistant's contact information and office hours.
Please check the UCCS Academic Services & Support website for the additional academic support resources on campus.
Undergraduate: Psi Chi & Psychology Club at UCCS
Psychology Club - All psychology majors, minors, and enthusiasts are welcome!
The International Honor Society of Psychology (Psi Chi) As a member of Psi Chi, you are able to:
• Connect with psychology faculty, graduate, and undergrad students
• Win scholarships
• Build your resume and curriculum vitae
• Learn about graduate school
• Enrich your psychology education
• Volunteer in the community
• Gain experience in psychology research
Graduate: UCCS Psychology Graduate Student Organization
The UCCS Psychology Graduate Student Organization (GSO) brings together graduate students across the department's three programs: Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Master of Arts in Psychological Science, and PhD in Clinical Psychology. We aim to enhance psychology graduate students' interests by:
• Facilitating a supportive, fun, and collegial environment among graduate students and faculty through department social events
• Fostering professional development through activities such as panel discussions and professionally relevant workshops
• Giving back to the university and broader community through service activities
• Providing resources and disseminating information to current students
• Assisting incoming students with the transition to graduate school with a "peer buddy" system and special social events at the start of each Fall semester
The UCCS Transfer office is located in the Office of Student Recruitment in Cragmor Hall 007 on the UCCS campus. To make an appointment or discuss transfer options, please email transfer@uccs.edu.
The Psychology Department at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs provides graduate degrees at both the M.A. and Ph.D. levels. Apply now at https://graduateschool.uccs.edu/admissions
Apply now at https://www.uccs.edu/apply
This program offers a unique opportunity for outstanding majors to gain an intense research experience in the sub-area of psychology of their choosing. More information can be found here: Psychology Honors Program
UCCS Scholarships
Institutional scholarships are distributed and managed by UCCS. They are scholarships set up by donors through the CU Foundation or the University. Selection methods vary for each scholarship. Many awards are distributed by selection committees. Representatives from the donor organization may participate to some degree in the selection, processing, and management of these scholarships.
Additional Information
Graduate Program FAQs
Graduate study has been a part of the UCCS Psychology Department since 1977. Learn from our faculty in an environment designed for learning, research and student success – smaller class sizes than our peer institutions and the ability to connect one-on-one with your professors and supervisors.
Diversity Initiatives
The Psychology Department seeks to foster inclusion and belonging of all members of its community, and to promote equity among members of society in its core mission of teaching and research.