Undergraduate Lower-Division Courses

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID: 122154 

Offered every Fall and Spring semester

An introduction to the scientific study of behavior. Covers psychoanalytic and Jungian theory, physiological bases of behavior, behaviorism and humanistic/existential theories. Includes psychology discipline areas of clinical, experimental, developmental, abnormal, and social. Approved for LAS Social Science area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore -Society, Health and Behavior.

Components:  Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum) Course ID: 122156

Offered every Fall and Spring semester 

Explores the profession of psychology, including careers, training needed to be successful, and professional ethics and responsibilities. Prer.or coreq., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum) Course ID: 122164

Offered every Fall and Spring semester

Descriptive statistics including graphs, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and variability. Inferential statistics such as correlation, t-tests, chi-square tests, and analysis of variance including two-factor designs and multiple comparison tests. Satisfies the LAS and Compass Curriculum Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning requirement as a statistics course when taken by a student who has either 1) successfully completed MATH 1040 (or a mathematics course that has college algebra as a prerequisite), OR 2) tested out of MATH 1040. Prer., PSY 1000, and MATH 1040 or INDS 1050 (or any math course for which MATH 1040 is a prerequisite) with a grade of C- or higher.

Components:  Lecture

4 Credits (Minimum) 4 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122165

Offered every Fall and Spring semester

An introduction to research methods used in psychology including experimental designs, quasi-experiments, correlation research and developmental methods. Methods of measuring psychological concepts, as well as the reliability and validity of those measurements are discussed. Students will write reports in APA format. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Writing Intensive. Prer., PSY 2100 with a grade of C- or higher. Prer. or Coreq., ENGL 1410 with a grade of C- or higher.

Components:  Laboratory, Lecture

1 Credits (Minimum) 1 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122166

Offered nearly every Fall and Spring semester

Covers the computation and interpretation of the two-factor analysis of variance and includes post-hoc analyses of the main and interaction effects. Prer., Introductory statistics class (minimum 3 credits).

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  208935

Offered occasionally

Course introduces students to the evolution and prehistory of the human mind through archaeological investigations of tools, hunting camps, living sites, cave paintings, engraved objects, figurines, ritualized burials, and personal ornamentation.  Meets with ANTH 2250, ID 2250.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122167

Not offered in recent years

A survey of concepts bearing upon the processes of normal psychological adjustment, with emphasis upon using the concepts to understand common human problems in personal growth and relationships with others.

Components:  Lecture

3 Credits (Minimum) 3 Credits (Maximum) Course ID:  122169

Not offered in recent years

An examination of social psychological aspects of a variety of social issues and problems in contemporary society. Issues may include television violence, race and I.Q., ethics of human experimentation, privacy, and pornography. Psychological theory and research relevant to these areas will be considered as will the processes involved in defining social behavior as a problem. Prer., PSY 1000.

Components:  Lecture