Sona System
Using Sona to Participate in & Conduct Psychological ResearchSona Research Participation System
Why participate in research studies?
The Psychology Department has determined that an integral part of studying psychology is participating in and conducting psychological research. UCCS students enrolled in PSY 1000 - General Psychology courses are required to participate in research as part of the final grade. Participants will use the Sona System to participate in studies.

Sona System
Participants will use the Sona System to participate in studies. UCCS students enrolled in PSY 1000 - General Psychology courses are required to participate in research as part of the final grade. Psychology course extra credit can be earned for participating in studies through the Sona System. Students have the opportunity to allocate extra credit earned to any psychology course throughout their undergraduate career at UCCS. Students have the opportunity to assign the extra credit to any course they wish or have the extra credit carry over to another semester by assigning their extra credit to the extra credit bank. Students have until the day before finals begin to assign their extra credit to the course of choice or to the bank. Once finals begin, students will not have the ability to change the course to which their extra credit is assigned. Non-UCCS students can also sign-up for studies through the Sona System.
The URL for the Sona System is: https://uccs.sona-systems.com
- Participant Step-By-Step Guide
- Sona System Participant Tutorial
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Download the Sona Mobile app for Android - The URL for the Sona System is: https://uccs.sona-systems.com
- Download the Sona Mobile app for Apple - The URL for the Sona System is: https://uccs.sona-systems.com
*Students under 18 years old in a Psychology course with a Sona extra credit requirement are to complete alternate research assignments. Please review your course syllabus or contact your professor for further guidance on the alternate research assignment in lieu of Sona participation.
Running Studies
Only researchers associated with the Psychology Department may utilize the Sona System. Researchers use this system to announce their research studies including available time slots. Researchers may use Sona with online studies (administered through the management system or through a different link) or with studies run in person. Researchers are responsible for granting extra credit or no-show status for each participant.
- Researcher FAQs
- Researcher Information
- Sona System Researcher Tutorial
- How to Reserve Research Rooms at the Lane Center
- Sona System Documentation
- Using Sona and Qualtrics
- UCCS Psychology Department Principles, Policies, & Procedures for Conducting Research
- UCCS IRB (Research Involving Human Subject)
*Students under 18 years old in a Psychology course with a Sona extra credit requirement are to complete alternate research assignments. Please review UCCS IRB's Informed Consent and Parent Permission documentation on how to proceed.