Academic Support

Academic Support

Welcome to the UCCS Psychology Department as Instructional, Research and Clinical faculty! We are grateful for your willingness to partner with us in educating students at UCCS. The following information will help you navigate through the department and UCCS campus in your role as an Instructor.

*Newly hired tenure and tenure-track faculty may also review this webpage for Academic Support

More Information

The department staff can assist with instructional support including course materials, classroom issues, department policies, syllabi, submitting grades, and other questions that arise.

Shared office space is available for IRC faculty to meet with students.  Please let David DuBois know if you would like to use this space.  He will arrange for you to have access.  It is usually helpful to make time to interact with your students before or after scheduled class times.  You do not have to use the office space provided and can meet with your students in other campus locations.

You will have a mailbox in Columbine Hall 4042 where you will receive on- and off-campus mail. Mail is delivered to the second floor of Columbine Hall Monday-Friday.

You will have access to the department copy machine in Columbine Hall 4042. A copy code will be assigned to you for your use during the semester for syllabi and tests. Other course materials may also be copied for students sparingly as we have a limited copy budget.

The copy machine has the ability to scan documents to create PDF files. Instructions on how to print and scan to a flash drive are on the wall above the copy machine.

You may put articles or other ancillary course materials on reserve in the library for students to access as needed. Typically, you can e-mail syllabi, tests, or other course materials a week in advance of your class to Laura Chandler or Psychology Office Assistant if you will not have time to make copies. If you will be on campus after 5:00 PM, the copy/mail room is always open.

The fax for university-related business is part of the copy machine. Cover pages and faxing directions are next to the copy machine. 

Please visit the University Center Information Desk to obtain your faculty ID. You will need to know your employee ID number in order to request your faculty ID card. The faculty ID also serves as your Kraemer Family Library card.  

Please proceed to the UCCS Parking Services website for information on how to purchase a parking permit:

Free parking options:

Visitors may park for free on weekends (Saturdays & Sundays) throughout the year, on holidays the campus is closed, and during the breaks between each semester. Free visitor parking is also available DURING fall, spring, and summer semesters in 500 series lots which are located at and near the Ent Center for the Arts complex (formerly known as the Four Diamond Sports Complex), 5225 N. Nevada Avenue. No permit is required. A free shuttle service transporting passengers to and from the Four Diamonds Sports Complex and the main campus is available during fall, spring, and summer semesters. Shuttle pickup times are about every 15-25 minutes, Mondays-Fridays, from 6:40 am to 10:35 pm.

Please feel free to contact the UCCS Parking & Transportation Services for further information. Email: or Call: (719)255-3528

The Faculty Resource Center provides faculty with the instructional resources and support to explore and implement innovative teaching practices. The Center provides consultation, programs, training, and support.

The Center is a faculty-focused, collaborative endeavor to promote effective teaching, with special emphasis on technology-enhanced, hybrid, and online courses. The Center supports new ways of teaching and learning, including creative approaches to faculty-student engagement, course design and implementation, and the seamless integration of technology into the academic environment.

Columbine Hall 203 | Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM | 719.255.4872


We have examples of syllabi available for the course you are teaching, and we can forward those to you if you like.  The department needs to keep a copy of your final course syllabus in our department files.  Please submit a copy to Laura Chandler at the beginning of each semester.

On your course syllabus, it is best to provide detailed information on:  

  • How students will be evaluated
  • Specific instructions on assignments
  • Grading policies
  • Phone or email contact information (However you prefer to be contacted by students.  The university gives you an email account to use so you can keep your personal contact information confidential)
  • Time and place you will be available for office hours (one hour per week should be plenty)
  • Attendance expectations
  • Options for make-up exams

The more details you include on the syllabus typically help eliminate issues with students at the end of the semester.  

All UCCS faculty should include the statement below on their course syllabus:

Disability Services Syllabus Statement

If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to register with Disability Services and provide them with documentation of your disability. They will work with you to determine what accommodations are appropriate for your situation. To avoid any delay, you should contact Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and disability accommodations cannot be provided until a Faculty Accommodation Letter has been given to me. Please contact Disability Services for more information at Main Hall room 105, 719-255-3354 or

Military Syllabus Statement

Military students who have the potential to participate in military activities including training and deployment should consult with faculty prior to registration for any course, but no later than the end of the first week of classes.

Diversity Statement

UCCS inclusively engages diverse people and perspectives in learning, discovery, and innovation to prepare students for successful futures, to build knowledge, and to inform the greater public good. Diversity of people and ideas represents, among other things, differences in ethnicity, race, gender, age, class, sexual orientation, abilities, religious and spiritual values, political viewpoints, veteran status and gender identity and expression. Historically, certain social groups have been excluded and marginalized within public higher education, creating legacies of advantage and disadvantage. The principle of diversity advocates a university that is inclusive of all, while overcoming the legacies of exclusion and marginalization to create equity within the university experience. You can review the UCCS Creed as a print document or as a video at the embedded links.

CANVAS is the Learning Management System

See the Faculty Resource Center's CANVAS page for more information.

Only the Instructor of Record and assigned Teaching Assistants can access a learning management system.  UCCS Psychology Department staff do not have access to Canvas.  

The Chronicle of Higher Education - How to Be a Better Online Teacher ADVICE GUIDE

University policy requires that faculty enter their course grades into the online grading system no later than 90 hours after their final exam has ended.  

Please contact the UCCS Office of the Registrar with questions or concerns about grading.

Monday - Friday:  8:00am-5:00pm
Mondays 5:00pm-6:00pm service by appointment only
Email or call 719-255-3361 to schedule an appointment

 Accessing Online Grading via the MyUCCS Portal

• Login to myUCCS Portal
• Click on the Faculty tab
• Click on Faculty Center
• Click Change Term to populate the appropriate term
• Click on the grade roster icon to the left of the course to be graded

Entering, Approving & Posting Grades

• Grades can be entered manually (drop-down grading or bubble grading), or uploaded (using a .csv file).Tip: Save often when manually  entering grades.
• Once all grades are entered, update the grade roster action to "Approved" and click Save.
• If ready, click on the POST button to post grades to students' records.

What if a student is not on the roster?

If a student attended the class but his or her name does not appear on the grade roster, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Office of the Registrar at 719-255-3361 to resolve the issue. The instructor may also inform the student of the need to contact the Office of the Registrar or, if contact is not possible, identify the student to the Office of the Registrar. The instructor will not be able to assign a course grade until the issue is resolved. After the Office of the Registrar has informed the instructor that the matter has been resolved, the instructor assigns a final grade by completing a Change of Record form.

Do final grades automatically load from Blackboard to the grade roster?

Final grades in Blackboard do not automatically upload into the grade roster. Grades must be manually entered into the grade roster or uploaded using a .csv file.

How do I assign a grade of "F"?

If you assign a grade of "F", you will be required to enter an "F Grade Attendance Record" for the student (Attended Until Term Completed, Never Attended, or Attended Until...).

• "Attended Until Term Completed" is the same thing as an earned "F".
• "Never Attended" is assigned when there is no record of attendance or you do not know when the student stopped attending.
• "Attended Until..." is assigned if the student attended until a certain point in time. If this option is selected, you will be required to provide the date of the last academically related activity (such as attending class, completing a quiz, tutorial, paper, or project).

Grade rosters can be saved but not "Approved" or "Posted" until the aforementioned fields have been populated. Once you have posted your grade roster, any changes to the "F Grade Attendance Record" or "Date of Last Academic Activity or Attendance" can only be performed by the Office of the Registrar.

How can assign an Incomplete grade?

The instructor is responsible for determining the course completion requirements and grading standards.

• Grades of "IP" are assigned for graduate thesis, project or dissertation classes only.
• Grades of "I" should only be assigned under extenuating circumstances. Refer to your college's and/or department's policies prior to assigning an "I".

Grades of "I" automatically convert into an "F" after one year if a change of grade is not processed. Grade completions are reported using a Change of Record form, available through your dean's office. The deadline for completion of incomplete grades assigned last spring 2015 is May 14, 2016 (end of spring 2016 term).

What is a "W" grade?

A grade of "W" (Withdrawn) is administratively assigned by the Office of the Registrar when a student drops a class after the official census date for the class. The "W" grade will appear on the grade roster and the student's academic record. This is a requirement placed upon the University by the state auditing function. A "W" grade does not affect the GPA.

How do students check their grades?

Students can check their grades through the MyUCCS Portal or the UCCS2Go mobile application. Grade reports are not mailed to students. Under the provisions of FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), student grades are NOT to be displayed in public places or online.

If you do not see a certified blue ribbon in Adobe® Acrobat or Adobe® Reader bearing the words "This document was certified by University of Colorado Colorado Springs with a valid certificate issued by GeoTrust CA for Adobe" this PDF SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Can I changes a grade once the grade roster has been posted?

There is an online grade change process that replaces the physical Course Change of Record form.  You may submit an online grade change within the Faculty Center of the myUCCS Portal after you have submitted a final grade roster.   Please use the links below for instructions on submitting an online grade change through your myUCCS Portal/Faculty Center.  Also, please be sure to use the instructions that correlate with your academic role on campus.  In most cases, you will be using the "Online Grade Change - Instructions for Instructor."  Change of Record forms may also be used, but we strongly encourage you to use the new online grading process to change grades after you have posted your roster.  This speeds up the grading process for students, faculty and staff.

Online Grade Change - Instructions for Instructor (6.27.17)

Other questions? Please contact the Office of the Registrar at or 719-255-3361.

The Psychology Department uses the Scantron form F-1712-PAR-L for multiple choice quizzes and exams.  The Scantron machine is located at the HYBL CENTER 465, 4925 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80918.  Scantron forms for keys are available in the Psychology Department supply cabinet or Office Assistant mailbox in COLU 4042.

Additional support is provided by the department through a graduate student Department Grader to assist instructors who teach classes without a Teaching Assistant. The Department Grader will send an email with instructions on how to utilize their services at the beginning of the semester. The Department Grader can offer support including creating Scantron answer keys, scanning answer sheets through the Scantron machine, giving a summary report of grades, and proctoring exams as available.

Some courses have Teaching Assistants assigned to help with office hours, grading, guest lecturing, proctoring, and other instructional tasks. These Teaching Assistants would be your source of support for assistance rather than the Department Grader.

If you have any concerns about students cheating, plagiarizing, or otherwise breaking the codes of academic integrity, please feel free at any time to talk with the Department Chair or appropriate Undergraduate/Graduate Director. 

NOTE:  All students in Psychology courses are responsible for reading and complying with the Student Code of Conduct  Student Rights and Responsibilities, and the LAS Plagiarism Policy.

For various reasons students may request an incomplete in a class. A grade of IF or IW can be assigned. The department policy requires a contract signed by the student and the instructor stating what is necessary to complete the course. The student then has one year to make up the incomplete as agreed. When the work is completed a new grade will be assigned by completing a Change of Record Form. An IW can be given when a student is eligible to withdraw for medical reasons, or there is a death in the family. Rather than withdrawing, they can complete the course work as agreed. An IF should be used judiciously, only under clearly extenuating circumstances for a student with a nearly completed course. If a student is on your grade roster and never attended class, it is appropriate to assign an F. Typically, that student will contact you immediately to explain his/her circumstances. A Change of Record Form is used to change any grade that has been assigned and now needs to be changed.

The UCCS Psychology Department faculty wants to encourage students to participate in research in order to enhance their understanding of how the discipline gathers information and tests theories. We encourage all faculty/instructors to allow students to gain extra credit (not as part of course requirements) by participating in approved studies. While you will be provided a report at the end of the semester containing extra credit points students have put towards your class, you (as the instructor) have the freedom to decide how that extra credit is used for your class.

Due to the number of approved studies that take place each semester in the UCCS Psychology Department, we have adopted a research participation management system (Sona System) that not only allows students to sign-up for each individual study they would like to participate in but after a student participates in the study, they get the opportunity to choose which course they would like to put their extra credit toward. Students are not granted the extra credit unless they actually participate in the study during the timeslot in which they signed up; this is verified by the researcher (usually a graduate student) who updates this information in the Sona system. Extra credit points allocated to your course will be provided in a report during finals week and before final grades are due.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Sona or research policy, please contact Laura Chandler.


Confidentiality in the accommodation process must be maintained by all parties. Disability Services cannot provide specific information about a student's disability, however Disability Services can verify if a student is eligible to receive accommodations for a specific course. It is important that faculty maintain confidentiality and do not discuss a student's disability or accommodation request with other faculty or students, including discussing it in class. While some students may be more comfortable disclosing the nature of their disability, many choose to keep their disability private.

How to support students with disabilities:

  • Include a "disability accommodation statement" on the course syllabus.
  • In order to receive accommodations, students must register with Disability Services and provide you a Faculty Accommodation Letter.
  • Meet with students who provide a Faculty Accommodation Letter privately during office hours to discuss approved accommodations.
  • Contact Disability Services if there are any questions or concerns regarding requested accommodations or how to work with a student.
  • Be aware of your assumptions and personal reactions to disability issues (i.e., invisible disabilities or veterans).
  • Expect students with disabilities to meet the same academic standards as their peers.
  • When students fail to communicate their accommodation needs prior to academic problems, instructors are not expected to make accommodations retroactive.

Instructors can connect with publishers directly to obtain exam/desk copies and instructional support materials.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are encouraged - if available for course subject. 

The UCCS Campus Store manages the TAAP program to collect textbook orders from instructors.

A set of articles can be put on reserve in the Kraemer Family Library or use of OER materials is encouraged - if no suitable text is available.  Course materials may also be compiled and sold to students through the UCCS Campus Store. You may not sell compilations of articles directly.

The Psychology Department does not purchase exam or desk copies of textbooks. Most publishers have e-books and supplemental materials to review or use for courses. 

Please contact the UCCS Bookstore regarding textbook support. If your course requires testing materials and supplies to be purchased for clinical training, please contact David DuBois.

The issue of accessibility to instructional materials by students with disabilities has become a major one in higher education.   Currently, under the ADA, a number of colleges and universities are being investigated by the Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice regarding unacceptable response times in providing texts and materials in alternative formats.

Disability Services strives to have students who require alternative format texts and materials to register for classes as early as possible.  This allows UCCS to follow up with textbook lists to ensure that we can meet the student's needs at the beginning of each semester.  However, when textbook orders are late, our ability to obtain alternate formats from the publisher in a timely fashion, or to scan books and provide the necessary accommodation ourselves, is jeopardized.   You are encouraged to submit their textbook orders as early as possible.   The UCCS Chancellor has requested that we make this effort a priority.   

If you would like additional information about alternative formats, please contact:   

Leyna Bencomo
UCCS Assistive Technology Specialist

Most UCCS campus classrooms are "smart", i.e., outfitted with a podium, AV equipment, computer, DVD player and ceiling mounted digital projector.  Columbine Hall has technology available in most classrooms.  

Smart Classroom Service Information

Because of budget constraints, please check with the Andrea Williams or David DuBois before purchasing additional technology or multimedia for courses. 

Your UCCS username and e-mail account are automatically created when all of the HR paperwork has been processed.

  • You will need this username and password for logging into any campus computer, Canvas, Qualtrics, library access, and the MyUCCS Portal.
  • Visit to look up your account, change your password, test your account, etc.
  • Tenure-track faculty and instructors will be added to the online campus directory, but lecturers will not.
  • The IT Help Desk web site has instructions for network access, configuring email, hardware recommendations, etc.

Your faculty ID card is all you need to check out books from the UCCS Kraemer Family Library.  In addition, the UCCS Kraemer Family Library has reciprocal borrowing agreements with most of the public colleges and universities in Colorado. Inter-library loan information is provided here  You will be notified by UCCS email when your book/journal arrives.

Matt Jabaily ( is the UCCS library liaison assigned to the Psychology Department faculty, staff and students.  He can provide any of your classes with an instruction session on the use of the library and computerized searching for materials in Psychology (e.g., Psych Lit).  These sessions are particularly useful if students must use the library to complete your class assignments.  Instruction sessions can be held in the classroom or in the library during day or evening hours.  You can contact Matt at 719-255-3199 or Schedule an Appointment.

The UCCS Psychology Department faculty and staff highly value instruction, scholarship, and service. Please do not ever hesitate to ask for help. We want to help you be the best faculty member you can be. Please feel free to contact the department staff or the Department Chair as a good starting point.

Additional Resources

Red Folder

Red Folder resources to help recognize, respond, and refer distressed students.

How to Identify & Respond to Students in Distress