
Psychology Department Forms

Purchase Request Form

Please submit this form to Andrea Williams ( for departmental approval at least 2 weeks prior to travel.

Purchase Request Form

Psychology Department Travel Information Sheet Pre-Approval Form

Please submit this form to Andrea Williams for departmental approval at least 2 weeks prior to travel.

Travel Information Sheet

Request a Psychology Syllabus

The UCCS Psychology Department archives syllabi from 1984 to current year. In the event we do not have the requested syllabus, you will be notified.

Request a Psychology Syllabus

Research Mentoring Forms

Mentor–Graduate Trainee Expectations Agreement

This agreement is intended to outline the parameters of our work together on this research project. As the project evolves, it will be important to revisit the proposed goals at regular intervals.

Mentor–Graduate Trainee Expectations Agreement

Mentoring Plan

The Mentoring Plan is designed as a template to be individualized by each mentee/trainee and mentor when they begin work together and revisited at least yearly. The goal of the template is to formalize the plan for the research mentoring relationship. It is designed to help communicate goals, expectations, and needs for a trainee to gain technical, scientific and professional skills as well as exposure to career paths and job functions necessary for developing a successful career.

Mentoring Plan

Mentorship Agreement Template

The purpose of this template is to assist you in documenting mutually agreed upon goals and parameters that will serve as the foundation for your mentoring relationships. While mentors and mentees may find mentorship agreements to be useful, they are optional. This template is expected to be to meet individual needs.

Mentorship Agreement Table