Diversity Committee Members Leilani Feliciano, Ph.D. Professor, Clinical Psychology & Director of Clinical Training (719) 255-4174 lfelicia@uccs.edu COLU 4019 Steven L. Bistricky, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Trauma Psychology & Associate Director of Clinical Training (719) 255-4150 sbistric@uccs.edu COLU 4027 Diana Selmeczy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology (719) 255-4179 diana.selmeczy@uccs.edu COLU 4021 Monday: 2:00pm-4:00pm (remote) & By Appointment Rachel Weiskittle, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Geropsychology (719) 255-8027 rweiskit@uccs.edu COLU 4017 By Appointment (remote) Tiana Broen Ph.D. Clinical Student - Geropsychology Psychology tbroen@uccs.edu Marcus Chur M.A. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology mchur@uccs.edu Kelly Dixon, M.A. Ph.D. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology kodonne2@uccs.edu Communications Subcommittee Diana Selmeczy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology (719) 255-4179 diana.selmeczy@uccs.edu COLU 4021 Monday: 2:00pm-4:00pm (remote) & By Appointment Kelly Dixon, M.A. Ph.D. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology kodonne2@uccs.edu Paige Klein MA - Psychology, Clinical Psychology Track Student pklein2@uccs.edu Tess Leftwich MA - Psychology, Clinical Psychology Track Student tleftwic@uccs.edu Megan Wendling MA - Psychology, Clinical Psychology Track Student mwendlin@uccs.edu Education Subcommittee Rachel Weiskittle, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Geropsychology (719) 255-8027 rweiskit@uccs.edu COLU 4017 By Appointment (remote) Sophie Brickman, M.A. Ph.D. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology sbrickma@uccs.edu Marcus Chur M.A. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology mchur@uccs.edu Molly Higgins Ph.D. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology mhiggins3@uccs.edu Christine Mason, B.A. M.A. Clinical Psychology Student cmason4@uccs.edu
Diversity Committee Members Leilani Feliciano, Ph.D. Professor, Clinical Psychology & Director of Clinical Training (719) 255-4174 lfelicia@uccs.edu COLU 4019 Steven L. Bistricky, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Trauma Psychology & Associate Director of Clinical Training (719) 255-4150 sbistric@uccs.edu COLU 4027 Diana Selmeczy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology (719) 255-4179 diana.selmeczy@uccs.edu COLU 4021 Monday: 2:00pm-4:00pm (remote) & By Appointment Rachel Weiskittle, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Geropsychology (719) 255-8027 rweiskit@uccs.edu COLU 4017 By Appointment (remote) Tiana Broen Ph.D. Clinical Student - Geropsychology Psychology tbroen@uccs.edu Marcus Chur M.A. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology mchur@uccs.edu Kelly Dixon, M.A. Ph.D. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology kodonne2@uccs.edu
Leilani Feliciano, Ph.D. Professor, Clinical Psychology & Director of Clinical Training (719) 255-4174 lfelicia@uccs.edu COLU 4019
Steven L. Bistricky, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Trauma Psychology & Associate Director of Clinical Training (719) 255-4150 sbistric@uccs.edu COLU 4027
Diana Selmeczy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology (719) 255-4179 diana.selmeczy@uccs.edu COLU 4021 Monday: 2:00pm-4:00pm (remote) & By Appointment
Rachel Weiskittle, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Geropsychology (719) 255-8027 rweiskit@uccs.edu COLU 4017 By Appointment (remote)
Communications Subcommittee Diana Selmeczy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology (719) 255-4179 diana.selmeczy@uccs.edu COLU 4021 Monday: 2:00pm-4:00pm (remote) & By Appointment Kelly Dixon, M.A. Ph.D. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology kodonne2@uccs.edu Paige Klein MA - Psychology, Clinical Psychology Track Student pklein2@uccs.edu Tess Leftwich MA - Psychology, Clinical Psychology Track Student tleftwic@uccs.edu Megan Wendling MA - Psychology, Clinical Psychology Track Student mwendlin@uccs.edu
Diana Selmeczy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology (719) 255-4179 diana.selmeczy@uccs.edu COLU 4021 Monday: 2:00pm-4:00pm (remote) & By Appointment
Education Subcommittee Rachel Weiskittle, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Geropsychology (719) 255-8027 rweiskit@uccs.edu COLU 4017 By Appointment (remote) Sophie Brickman, M.A. Ph.D. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology sbrickma@uccs.edu Marcus Chur M.A. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology mchur@uccs.edu Molly Higgins Ph.D. Clinical Student - Trauma Psychology mhiggins3@uccs.edu Christine Mason, B.A. M.A. Clinical Psychology Student cmason4@uccs.edu
Rachel Weiskittle, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Geropsychology (719) 255-8027 rweiskit@uccs.edu COLU 4017 By Appointment (remote)